I have completed my bender,
thanks to your plans! I sent you 4 pictures, and I am waiting for my first
set of dies. I did get a new welder as we discussed earlier. I went with the
Lincoln 180C, and its a huge difference in performance. You will note in some
of the pix that I could use more training in my welding skills, but it was fun
anyway. I built the bender to assist with a frame I am building for an all
electric vehicle (3 wheels, 1000w motor, not exactly freeway legal). Now I
can get to that frame and finish my other project. Thanks again for your
Eric, the bender will help you
with your bending projects. I'm sure it was a good welding project for you. Send
in pictures when you get your dies and I will add it to this page. Also, you can
send pictures with your projects too. It will be fun to see how the 3 wheeler
comes out.
Thanks again and have fun.

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